Month: March 2023

Understanding the fundamentals of FQDN

A Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) is the complete address of a website and consists of the website’s host name, subdomain name, and top-level domain name. FQDNs are typically used for domain names that are registered with a domain name registrar. Understanding the fundamentals of FQDNs is critical for setting up a website and web-based email, as these domain names need to be linked with the internet’s DNS system. Knowing the components of an FQDN can help address potential DNS issues and ensure efficient communication between servers and clients. Learn more about the benefits that FQDN has.

TCP/IP Demystified: A Beginner’s Guide

TCP/IP is the connection protocol used to communicate on the internet and other computer networks. Understanding this technology is key to configuring, managing, and troubleshooting networks. TCP/IP consists of several protocols that are responsible for different tasks within a network, such as addressing, routing, and sending data. Researching the various protocols within TCP/IP can help beginners gain a better understanding of networking concepts and start building a successful network. Check out more details about TCP/IP and how it works!

What is the full explanation of Recursive DNS server?

A recursive DNS server is a type of DNS server that can process a query and look up any required information. It is commonly used when a user’s local DNS server is unable to locate a domain name. The recursive DNS server queries multiple authoritative DNS servers to find the answer and then returns the result to the requesting device. Additionally, it can cache information to speed up future requests and help reduce the workload of authoritative DNS servers, allowing the network to run more efficiently. Discover more information about how a Recursive DNS server works!

Authoritative DNS Server Explained for Beginners

An authoritative DNS server is a type of Internet server that responds to queries about a domain name. It stores records related to domains, such as the IP address associated with a particular domain name and the email server associated with it. Configuring an authoritative DNS server is a critical step when setting up a domain name and registering it with a domain name registrar. Having an authoritative DNS server improves the response time and reliability of a domain name, allowing it to function efficiently and securely on the web. Find detailed explanation of Authoritative DNS server. 

What do you need to know about Managed DNS service providers

Managed DNS service providers offer a secure, reliable, and cost-effective way of managing a domain name system. They provide various services, including domain registration and maintenance, DNS management, and protection from distributed denial of service attacks. Knowing the different features of Managed Domain Name System can help you choose the most suitable provider for your business needs. For example, some providers offer comprehensive features such as automated scalability, an intuitive user interface, content delivery networks, and more. Taking the time to research and compare providers can help to maximize your online presence and protect your business from potential threats. Read more about Managed DNS service providers.